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In 2010, with project supported by Fundação Banco do Brazil, we deployed more than 20 cores in 10 cities of the Baixada Maranhense (coordinated by Youth Forums).

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home mediacao

BOLAção is the name of a social technology developed by  Instituto Formação, during BOLAção Caravans of FutRua.

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home mediacao

The Formação since 2003 articulates all of his efforts on articulation of integral education and development thematic. "Sport and development" is part of this perspective.

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home mediacao

The sport represents a universal language for millions of children, adolescents and young peopleworldwide. Therefore, play and have access to the sports practice is very important.

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Somos Mediadores em Esporte Educativo

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Endereço: Rua das Limeiras nº14, Qd D, Renascença
São Luís - Maranhão / CEP: 65075-260
Fale conosco: +55 (98) 3301-3882 /